Hiring English Pastor for Young Adults

We are seeking a part-time pastor to lead the young adults in our English congregation. This target group includes students in Grades 11 & 12, post-secondary students, and young workers. The primary focus of the pastor will be:

  • To guide and equip young adults in the English Ministry so that they can grow in their faith and take ownership of the future of the English Ministry at Pacific Grace MB Church.
  • To lead and inspire young adults in the English Ministry to reach out to their unchurched peers for Christ and to serve the broader community.

Pacific Grace MB Church comprises Cantonese, Mandarin and English Ministries. The majority of the older youth and young adults in the congregation are first generation Canadians (Canadian-born Chinese).

The applicant must have formal education from a seminary or Bible College and some experience in pastoring in a church setting. Intercultural communication skills and some understanding of the immigrant family will be definite assets.



Initial Contract: One-year term

Hourly rate: $25-$32.69



Please send your resume to:

PGMBC Pastoral Search Committee

Pacific Grace MB Church

2855 E. 1st Avenue,

Vancouver BC V5M 1A9



Hiring English Ministry Pastor

We are seeking a full-time English ministry pastor to lead and shepherd our English congregation. The primary focus of the pastor will be to minister to college students, young adults, and married couples. The Pastor will provide leadership in a ministry that focuses on making disciples, equipping leaders and reaching out to the community around.

Pacific Grace MB Church comprises of Cantonese, Mandarin and English Ministries. The pastor must have formal education from a seminary or Bible College and past experience in pastoring in a church setting is essential. Intercultural communication skills and some understanding of the immigrant family will be definite assets.

Annual Salary:  $70,000 ˉ $80,000

Please send your resume to:
English Pastoral Search Committee
Pacific Grace MB Church
2855 E. 1st Avenue,
Vancouver BC V5M 1A9


Hiring Senior Pastor 聘请主任牧师

We are seeking a Senior Pastor who has a strong sense of calling to lead our church community to discover and achieve its God-given mission and vision. Our mission is to be a grace-filled, grace-extending, Christ-treasuring community of faith. Our vision is to be a church of missional followers of Jesus Christ who influence our communities by embracing and serving our neighbours.

PGMBC background

  • Pacific Grace MB Church is an Anabaptist, Evangelical Christian church affiliated with the Mennonite Brethren Conference.
  • PGMBC comprises three distinct congregationsˉCantonese, Mandarin and English (including Children’s Ministry)
  • ~400 attendees: 200+ Cantonese, ~80 English (Adults and Teens), 35+ Mandarin
  • ~ 70 children attend weekly AWANA children’s program
  • A Community Church located in Hastings-Sunrise area in City of Vancouver
  • Strong missions ministry and church planting history


  • Full-time Senior Pastor

Role and responsibility (Ministry)

  • Provide strong leadership, coaching, and support to the pastoral/staff team, deacon board, and other church leaders
  • Lead development of the vision, mission and strategic plans of the church, and effectively communicate and cast the vision to inspire the church and staff to embrace the vision
  • Oversee creation, coordination, and execution of short-term and long-term plans to steer ministries to achieve our vision and goals.
  • Oversee Cantonese, Mandarin and English Ministries such as making disciples, equipping leaders and reaching out to the community around us through missions, evangelism, and caring ministry
  • Oversee and lead the preaching and teaching ministries of the church, including theologically sound and effective/applicable preaching and teaching to promote spiritual growth
  • Oversee and provide pastoral care for the sick, elderly, or hurtingˉincluding visitation, prayer support and counselling.
  • Conduct weddings, funerals, and baptisms, as well as provide premarital/marital counselling,
  • Build strong community within the church across three congregations, and network effectively with outside church leaders and MB convention leaders

Educational background and Qualifications

  • Around 10 years pastoral ministry, preferably with experience in a multi-cultural and multi-congregational setting
  • Hold a MDiv (Master of Divinity) degree or its equivalent from accredited and recognized theological seminaries
  • Ordained within an evangelical denomination
  • Ascribe to the doctrine, belief and practice of the Mennonite Brethren denomination
  • Able to oversee the three congregations (Cantonese, English and Mandarin) with proficiency in at least one of those languages and some understanding of the cultures of each congregation
  • Pastoral experience in North America is an asset
  • Demonstrate leadership and coaching experiences

Annual Salary

  • $80,000 ˉ $90,000

Please apply with a cover letter and CV with three references at spsc@pgmbc.com or:

Pacific Grace MB Church
2855 East 1st Avenue
Vancouver, BC, V5M 1A9
Attn: Senior Pastoral Search Committee (CONFIDENTIAL)





  • 为重浸派福音教会,隶属门诺兄弟会
  • 由三种语言之会众组成∶粤语、英语 (包括儿童)、国语
  • 约400会众∶粤语200+、英语80+ (成人及青少年)、国语35+
  • 每周约70+儿童参加AWANA儿童团契
  • 位处温哥华 Hastings ˉ Sunrise 社区
  • 具稳固之差传事工及植堂历史


  • 为同工团队、执事及领袖提供强而有效之领导、指导及支持
  • 带领教会履行愿景与使命,制定策略,有效执行,激励全会众同心拥抱使命与愿景
  • 监督长期与短期计划之制定、协调及执行,指导各部委以达到目标
  • 监督粤、英、国语三堂之各部门,装备领袖;以宣教、福音、关怀服侍社区
  • 监督及领导有关讲台信息、教育事工,以达灵命长进之果效
  • 监督关顾事工,为病者、耆老、伤逝者提供教牧关怀、祷告、支持和辅导
  • 主领婚礼、丧葬礼、洗礼等,并提供婚前及婚姻辅导
  • 促进粤、英、国三堂的联系与团结,并与友堂及MB联会建立关系


  • 具10年或以上有关工作经验,有多元文化及三语会众教会之牧养经验者优先
  • 持有认可的神学院MDiv(道学硕士)学位或同等学历
  • 已获福音派教会按立
  • 确认门诺弟兄会之教义、信仰和实践
  • 有能力统领粤、英、国三堂会众,且对该三堂会众的文化有所了解,并能熟悉流畅使用其中一种语言
  • 有北美牧会经验优先
  • 有领导及督导之才能


  • $80,000 ˉ $90,000


Pacific Grace MB Church
2855 East 1st Avenue
Vancouver, BC, V5M 1A9
Attn: Senior Pastoral Search Committee (CONFIDENTIAL)