Alan Chow
Alan Shore
Ali Balandy
Andrew Ma
Andy Hy
Anthony Law
Anthony Yeung
Bill Chan
Bosco Poon
Brian Ho
Brother Ian Lau
Brother Phil Ho
Bryan Borm
Chad Hooker
Christopher Lam
Clement Tong
Cross Chan
Dave Swan
David Swan
Dr Lui
Dr Ngai
Dr Wai
Dr. Barry Slauenwhite
Dr. Chan
Dr. Ho Sung Him
Dr. John Chan
Dr. Katherine Kot
Dr. Ko
Dr. Liu
Dr. Marcs Tso
Dr. Marcus Tso
Dr. Matthew Todd
Dr. Randall Mah
Dr. Roy Turikington
Dr. Roy Turkington
Dr. Slauenwhite
Dr. Yu
Dr.Clement Tong
dwayne buhler
Enoch Yim
Estella Au
Esther Leung-Kong
Eunice Chung
Fiona Kan
Gary Hewitt
Ian Lau
isaac chang
Isaac Quan
John Wiens
Jon Imbeau
Jon Lim
Joyce Rees
Keith Cheung
Keith Chung
Lawrence Cheung
Leigh McGough
Lok Chan
Margaret Ma
Martijn Duijst
Matthew Todd
Michael Tuen
Michael Yuen
Missionaire Macio
Missionary from Japan
Missionary Hannah Lee
Missionary Ian Lau
Missionary Ko Chu Fat
Missionary Peter Trinh
Missionary Trever Godard
morning singspir.
Mr Bill Chan
Mr Mike Copplin
Mr. Anson Ann
Mr. Chad Hooker
Mr. Ian Lau
Mr. Imbeau
Mr. James Grunau
Mr. Sam
Mr.John Skelton
Mrs. Ellen Kan
Mrs. Natalie Choi
Mrs. Qiu
Mrs.Esther Kong
Ms Eunice Chung
My Recording
Nelson Lee
OMF Missionaries A&P
Paastor Greg Laing
Pasotr Enoch
Paster Keith
paster peter
Paster Shermon Lau
Pastor Addison Lacasse
Pastor Ali Balandy
Pastor Andrew Cheung
Pastor Anthony
Pastor Anthony Yang
Pastor Anthony Yeung
Pastor Bai
Pastor Bai Zhenfen
Pastor Bert Kamphuis
Pastor Bill Chan
Pastor Bill Hogg
Pastor Brian Ho
Pastor Chan
Pastor Cheung
Pastor Cheung Wai Mo
Pastor Christopher Lam
Pastor Dave
Pastor Dave Jonsson
Pastor Dave Swan
Pastor Dave Swan (after Pastor Eliza Lai)
Pastor Dave Swanson
Pastor David Chan
Pastor David Swan
Pastor David Wood
Pastor Eileen Li
Pastor Eliza
Pastor Eliza Lai
Pastor Fiona
Pastor Fiona Kan
Pastor Fiona Wu
Pastor Fred Sutherland
Pastor Fung
Pastor Gary Stevenson
Pastor Gerald Peters
Pastor Gray Stevenson
pastor Greg
Pastor Greg Laing
pastor Ho
Pastor Ian
Pastor Ian Lau
Pastor Isabella Shen
Pastor Isaiah Muuo
Pastor James Law
Pastor Jim Cheung
Pastor Joe Russell
Pastor Johnathan Lyonhart
Pastor Jonathan Lyonhart
Pastor Justin Ian Tsui
Pastor Keith
Pastor Keith Cheung
Pastor Kieth
Pastor Kieth Cheung
Pastor Kong
Pastor Lam
Pastor Lam Choi Kay
Pastor Law (South PGMBC)
Pastor Lawrence
Pastor Lawrence Cheung
Pastor Lawrence T. Cheung
pastor lee
Pastor Marcio Garcio
Pastor Mathieu
Pastor Matt Johnson
Pastor Mattew Todd
Pastor Matthew Todd
Pastor Mau
Pastor Mei-Kuen Shum
Pastor Miki Kamberovic
Pastor Paul Lam
Pastor Peter Mau
Pastor Raymond Seetoh
Pastor Reda Hanna
Pastor Rob Parkman
Pastor Rob Weatherby
Pastor Robert Bahr
Pastor Ryan McDonald
Pastor Sam Wong
Pastor Seto Miuxia
Pastor Sherman
Pastor Sherman Lau
Pastor Siu Lai Kit
Pastor Sky Choi
Pastor So
Pastor Stephen So
Pastor Teresa Lam
Pastor Tim Tse
Pastor Tyler Loewen
Pastor Venice Ho
Pastor Venus
Pastor Venus Ho
Pastor Wah Cheung Chow
Pastor Wayne Wong
Pastor Wong Xiangrong
Pastor Woo
Pastor Xavier
Pastor Xavier Law
Pastor Zion Wu
Pat & Tony Schmidt
Pator Harry Loewen
Pauline Clarke
Peter Wong
Phil Ho
Pr. So
Prof. Suen Bo Ling
Ps. Jeremy Vis
Pstor Elizar
Raymond Leung
Rev Heung Wing Wong
Rev Keith Son
Rev Man Tam Kwok
Rev Paul Chan
Rev Paul Lam
Rev Poon Tsz Wan
Rev Richard Muller
Rev Sam Wong
Rev TrevorGodard
Rev. Alan Chow
Rev. Andrew Cheung
Rev. Anthony
Rev. Anthony Yeong
Rev. Anthony Yeung
Rev. Antony Yeung
Rev. Chan
Rev. Chan Skallinder
Rev. Chan Yiu Pang
Rev. Chang
Rev. Cheung Kwok Hung
Rev. Choi
Rev. CY Yan
Rev. David Poon
Rev. Enoch Yim
Rev. Grace Kim
Rev. Harry Loewen
Rev. Hung
Rev. Isaac Quan
Rev. Jim Cheung
Rev. John Cuddeford
Rev. John Tsang
Rev. Kan
Rev. Keith Cheung
Rev. Kenneth Lo
Rev. Kim
Rev. Kwok
Rev. Lam Chor Gai
Rev. Law
Rev. Lee
Rev. Lee Dou Wan
Rev. Leung
Rev. Liu
Rev. Mak
Rev. Mastthew Todd
Rev. Matt Johnson
Rev. Mattew Todd
Rev. Matthew Todd
Rev. Ng
Rev. Owen Leung
Rev. Philip Leung
Rev. Phillip Kwok
Rev. Samuel Lee
Rev. Sin
Rev. Tsang
Rev. Vannadil RajaKumar
Rev. William Lam
Rev. William Leung
Rev. Wong
Rev. Xavier
Rev. Xavier Law
Rev. Xavier Law (with Ghana team sharing)
Rev. Xavior Law
Rev. Yau
Rev.Miller Zhuang
Reve. Law
Reverend Keith Cheung
Reverend Kum Seng Fang
Ryan McDonald
Sabrina Bach
Saji Oommen
Samir Youssef
Shari Lau
Sharing - Dr. Chan & Sermon - Rev. Xavier Law
Sherman Lau
Soo Loh
Stephen So
STM Team Cambodia
Sunday Wu
Titus Yu
Tony Schmidt
Trever Godard
Venus Ho
Wai Lin Lau
Xavier Law
zion wu
1Cor 7:8-11
30th PGMBC Independence Worship - Praise and Prayer
A Banquet of Grace
A Humble Kingdom
A Kingdom Of Love
A Life Calling
Abiding in Christ's Love
Abiding in His Love
Acts 4:1-31
Adoption - What Christmas is all about? Galatians 4:4-6
Advent: Worship
Alice to God
Are you motivated for mission
Awesome faith
Be Strong and Courageous Through Change
Beatitudes III
become a graceful worshiping God's church
Bethany's Banquet
Big Trees
but from god
Calling All Servants
Can I not do as the potter does?
Challange of Give Thanks to Everything
Challenging and Opportunity - 4-14 Windows
Children who do not want to go home (3) - I can handle myself
Christian who does not satisfy with the current status
Contagious Relationsaships
Continue to Live Your Lives in Christ
Conviction of Serving
crisis and calling
Dead to sin
Dealing With Adversity
Deu 17:14-20
Diary of a Sinner
Discipleship by community and in community
Don't give up
Eph 5:21
Follow Me
Follow Your Will
Formation of Unity: Obstacles and Resources
Freedom in Jesus
From seeing to believing
God Came Near
God cares the poor
God's Kingdom!
God's timing
God's Ways and Thoughts are Much Higher Than Ours
Going to Church vs. Being the Church
Gospel of Christ Jesus - I am proud of it
Grace So Amazing
Great Awakening
Great Commission
Great Stone
Heart of the Mother
Hope for the Cloud
How Can You Go Back?
How Do The Suffering Pray
How to handle loss and sadness
I Seek the Lord
Is Bible Reliable #3
James: On Temptation
James: Trials
January 28
Jesus Eats With Sinners
Jesus Sends
Jesus the Weeping King
Join the army for the son
Jonah is an Angry Bird
Journey of Blessings (Psalm 67)
Joyful life
Kingdom in ____
Kingdom Partnerships
Learning to Let Go
Life is God's Sacred Gift
Little Seeds
Living a Christian Life to Bless Others
Living a Life Worthy of the Calling
Living with the End in View
Lord's ways and thoughts are higher than ours
Love and Discipline
Luke 10:38-42
Mark 1:16-20
Marriage & Divorce
Matthew 18:15-20
Mision ambition
Morning Sermon
Move Forward with Courage by Relying on God
moving forward
New Life At This Moment
New Transforming Life
No Limits Living
not from man
One Christ Body Networking Together Through Partnership
Our Righteousness
Our Saviour Appeared
Partnership in the kingdom of God
Pastor Sherman Lau
Path of Growth
PGMBC Sermons 2011
Proclaim for the Word
Proverb 30:1-4
Proverbs 1:20-33
Psalm: 51
Quality of Disciples
Same Path on Mission
Seeking Favour
Sermon 2012
Sermons 2011
Sermons 2012
serving as a team
Shepherding My People Irasel
Sherman & Soar Montreal Team
Story of the 10 Lepers
Struggles in Spirtual Growth
Teaching Each Other with truth in love
Thank God For Your Love
Thankgiving: Bridging the Past & the Future (Philippians 1:1-11)
The Calling To Be The Light
The child who does not want to return home (1)
The Communion Cross
The Day Started from God
The Giving God
The Gospel through Low-end Population
The Hidden Kingdom
The Potter and The Clay
The Seventh Commandment
The Solution to First World Problems
The Word Became Flesh
Theo's Feast:The Gospel Made Edible
Three Ships for Successful Money Management
To Be With Him
Trading Places
Unceasing Worship 4: Abiding
V Shape Rebound
Victory in the Resurrection
Viewing my life journey through God's view
Vision in the Valley
Way to Overcome Circumstance - Prayer of Faith
We Are All Orphans
We Are In It Together
Weaving In and Out
What is Gos's Role for You
What is gospel
What's Your View of a hometown prophet?
When God doesn't Answer Prayer
When God says "That Wasn't Me"
When you are facing problem
Where is Your Faith Based On?
Where is your Fucus for Life
Which is more important
Who is Jesus? Part 1
Who is My Neighbour?
Will not forget at anytime
Your name is Israel
30th PGMBC Independence Worship - Praise and Prayer
30th PGMBC Independence Worship - Praise and Prayer
30th PGMBC Independence Worship - Praise and Prayer
Joint Service (三項感恩同讚頌﹒十個方向齊盡忠)
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