Sep 22, 2024 Church News
- Welcome to our Sunday Service. Due to an increase in COVID cases, wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. It is highly recommended to get the new COVID vaccine and flu shot starting Oct. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
- English & Youth Service: 10:00am @ Gym; JAM @B7; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
- Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
- In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
- Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult, Junior & Senior High School paused for Back to School Celebration Lunch
- Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
- Back to School Celebration Lunch: We will have our Back-to-School Celebration Lunch TODAY after the service. A great way to kick off the new school year.
- The Deacon Board plans to approach the potential Departmental Chairpersons for 2025-2026. May our brothers and sisters heed the Lord’s call and serve as leaders.
- 10/12(Sat.9a-2p) Old & New Deacons and Departmental Chairperson Planning Meeting. May God lead the plan and budget for 2025.
- Staff news: N/A
- 10/13(Sun) Thanksgiving Baptismal & Membership Ceremony Applicants will have a lunch/interview with the Deacon Board at 1pm TODAY in the gym
- Keep our Mission ministries in your prayers. When contributing to our mission ministries, please remember to specify “Mission Fund“.
- 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 10/10(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Bill will lead English members and others to serve.
- 10/18-20 「the 39th Mission Conference」, speaker Rev. Isaac Quan from CIM Canada. Please mark your calendar
- 11/4-6 Short Term Mission Trip to Vancouver Island. Pastor David under the leadership of CCM small town mission ministry will go with one brother and three sisters ministering to the Cantonese or Mandarin speaking people in that area, approximately $200/person with max 50% subsidy from Mission Dpt. Please talk to Pastor David Chan before 10/6 if you are interested in joining
- The deacon board has allocated an additional $2000 to the administrative department for subsidizing attendees of the upcoming Winter Conference. Forty applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, with further details to be provided in the future.
- 9/29(Sun. 3-5:30pm) English Plan to Protect Online Training – Orientation. It is MANDATORY for all senior, children and youth workers to attend once a year. New volunteers are requested to join an orientation training. Register with Miranda Fong :
- Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
- Please pray for the sick and their families.