Dec 22, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Christmas Joint English / Children / Cantonese / Mandarin Sunday Service @ the sanctuary, A8 & Gym. Translator at the back of the room: English in the gym, Cantonese in the sanctuary and Mandarin in A8.
  2. TODAY Sunday Schools are paused.
  3. With no children Sunday School and JAM in this joint worship, the parents are responsible to take care of their children. The gym and A8 will be open for closed circuit TV. Parents can bring their children there for worship to minimize disruption if there is such a concern. There is no official program for children and the parents should not let their children wander around the church without supervision. On regular Sundays, the church encourages all children to participate the children program. If the children are not joining any children program, the parents are responsible to restrain their children and stay close by their children making sure they will be safe.
  4. 1.1-12.1 Offering Report is now available in Google Drive for checking your balance, or check at the front table and bulletin board. Contact for enquiry. Offering through PayPal or CanadaHelps should get the receipts from the them but you can also see your donation amount in our Offering Report.
  5. 2024 in-person Offering Cut-Off Date is 12/29(Sun).

If you want your eTransfer offering to count for 2024 tax deductions, make it before 12/27. Some financial institutions may delay processing eTransfer requests due to the holiday season.

Official Receipt for Tax Return will be emailed/mailed to donors in Feb., for donor’s info update, please contact

  1. 2024/1/5 (Sun) Deadline for 2024 Reimbursements Please submit your voucher together with receipts to Joanna before 1/5. All late vouchers should be approved by the 2025 dept. chairs and counted as 2025 expenditures
  2. 1/5(Sun) New Security Codes to Key Holders – Old/New Key Holders, Deacons, Dept. Chairs and Fellowship Leaders, please return/sign up with Joanna Li starting today until 1/31. $50 will be charged for a replacement if the key is lost.
  3. 1/5 (Sun) Mail Slots Re-assignPrevious users should empty the existing mail slot by 12/31.
  4. Staff News: N/A


  1. In-Person English Ministries Prayer Time: There will be no prayer time on 12/25 and 1/1. Next prayer meeting time is 1/8/2025
  2. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  3. Please pray for the sick and their families.