Jan 5, 2025 Church News
- Welcome to our Holy Communion Sunday Please pick up your Communion elements at the front desk. Happy new year! Due to an increase in COVID cases, wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. It is highly recommended to get the new COVID vaccine and flu shot.
The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
- English & Youth Service: 10:00am @ Gym; JAM @B7; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
- Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
- 2025 Deacons and Dept. Chairs Inauguration in Services TODAY. Let’s witness our Lord’s calling and support them all together.
- Pastor Valerie Yiu and Mr. William Tan have accepted the church invitation to help the children and teens ministry voluntarily during and after the sabbatical of Pastor Bill. Pastor Valerie will provide training, give suggestions, and help out in the transition of AWANA to STEM among other programs in the children ministry of the church. Mr. William Tan will help out in the Friday high school fellowship from grade 7 to 12, starting on January 10, after which every second and fourth Fridayof the
- In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
- Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7;
- Adult class in the gym; Senior High School in A10; Junior High Sunday School in A13
- TODAY is the Deadline for 2024 Reimbursements. Please submit your voucher together with receipts to Joanna today. All late vouchers should be approved by the 2025 dept. chairs and counted as 2025 expenditures
- TODAY New Security Codes to Key Holders – Old/New Key Holders, Deacons, Dept. Chairs and Fellowship Leaders, please return/sign up with Joanna Li starting today until 1/31. $50 will be charged for a replacement if the key is lost.
- TODAY Mail Slots Re-assign for all leaders. Please check and clear the mail slot regularly.
- Staff News: N/A
- In-Person English Ministries Prayer Time Our EM prayer time will start up again on Wednesday, January 8th at 7:30 pm.
- New Sermon Series in English Service
With the start of a new year it’s a good time to reflect on our lives and consider where we need to make some course adjustments. Starting in January we will be starting a new series with that purpose in mind. Some of the topics covered will be getting a renewed vision for your life, redefining your purpose, and with that in mind how you spend your time and your money, as well as invest in relationships. Come prepared to interact with others as we discuss these important life issues.
- Casa de Luz Missions Trip Update
An information meeting will be held by Zoom on Thursday, January 16th. Those interested in being part of this mission trip please contact Rachel Vong in order to be part of a WhatsApp group and get the link to join the meeting. We need to begin getting a firm commitment form those seriously interested in order to be able to make travel arrangements.
- 2025 Mission Fest 「I WILL」is coming to Vancouver on2/13-15(Thu-Sat), hosted in Chilliwack Heritage Park. Please see the website for the details
- Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
- Please pray for the sick and their families.