IT test
Vancouver Christian School Using PG during 2016/6- 2018/6
- The application is waiting for Vancouver City’s approval.
- 5/20 (Thu) 4-5pm VCS teachers’ visitation.
Vancouver Christian School Using PG during 2016/6- 2018/6
- The application is waiting for Vancouver City’s approval.
- 5/20 (Thu) 4-5pm VCS teachers’ visitation.
Syrian Refugee Sponsorship through Mennonite Central Committee Canada
- Target $17,000 by 7/31. To donate to this project, please use a separate envelope and cheque (or cash) mark “refugee”, payable to “PGMBC”.
Deacon Board Meeting 5/21 (Sat) 9:00am at A9.
Staff News Pastor Stephen is preaching at Lord’s Love Church this morning. Joanna is taking annual leave 5/9-27.
Young Adult Ministries (YAM) Joint Worship Night on 5/29 7:00pm. Come and worship together with young adults from other MBCCA churches. Here at Pacific Grace! For college, career and young families. Doors open at 6:30pm.
6/11(Sat) PG 35th Anniversary Banquet at Chinatown Floata Restaurant. $30 for age 13-64, $20 for 65 and above, $15 for 4-12, under 4 are free. You can register with your fellowship or at the foyer during 4/17-5/22.
6/12 (Sun) 35th Anniversary Joint Worship – Sunday School cancelled
9:00am Morning Service (English/Cantonese/Children)
10:30am Group Photo in the Sanctuary for 3 all congregations
11:00am Noon Service (Cantonese/Mandarin); Children Sunday School @B11
8/8-12 Soccer Camp Is full. If you can volunteer, please contact Rachel Vong, Kathy Wong or Pastor Venus; details are on the bulletin board.
6/25 (Sat) 8:45 am – 4 pm AIA Team Coach Training Day in Langley. All are welcome regardless if you’re a coach or not. Sign up with
5/9-22 Ghana Short Term Mission Arrived at Accra and met the whole team of 5. Rode a ferry to Kpandai on 5/12.
6/6-7/5 “30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World” is a Christian, international movement of intercession for the Muslim world. Prayer Guide can be picked up in the foyer, English, Chinese or Children PDF version can be download for $2.95 from the website:
9/9-20 Prince George Short Term Mission Serving the Chinese there. Registration form is available at A13, contact Pastor Stephen before 6/30.
Sunday School Women and Men’s Classes for adults & High School Class.
5/29 Awana Sunday Clubbers and leaders are to wear their uniforms. Registration table will be open for the next year term in the foyer.
- 6/5 & 6/19 (Sun) 1 pm Awana Pitt Day in gym.
- 6/26 (Sun) 1:30-3:30 pm Awana Award ceremony in S
- 7/10 (Sun) 1:30-4 pm Awana Grandprix race day in gym.
5/21(Sat)1:30pm Funeral Service for Rev. Patrick Fung @ RmdPG (120-6751 Westminster Hwy, Rmd.) Rev. Fung was the Senior Pastor of RmdPG & SVPG.
5/28(Sat) “Plan to Protect Orientation Training” @1-3pm @A8 For all volunteers who minister and work with children, youth and seniors. The APS committee is committed to ensuring the safety of our church family – especially those who are most vulnerable – and this training is an important step in abuse prevention. Register with Pastor Keith by TODAY
Residents of Fort McMurray affected by wildfires Pray and help as you can.