- Thank you, Matthew Todd for allowing God to use you today to breathe life through His word. May God bless your ministry
- Welcome to our Sunday Service. Wearing a mask is encouraged inside the church and while singing. Speakers may choose not to wear a mask if they speak behind the Plexiglass.
- English & Youth & JAM: 10am @ Gym
- Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10am A8
- In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am-12:30pm
- Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School paused
- Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School paused
- Monthly Café Today at 11:45am. After English service, please join us in the gym for some snacks and hot drinks. We hope that Monthly Cafe’s will help cultivate more community within the church. No sign up necessary
- Today 1pm Community Lunch to welcome newcomers in the gym
- Excerpts from DB Meeting on Mar 11, 2023:
- The department chairs held a meeting with the deacons in the Ministry Support Group session and put forward several ideas for the church to handle the post pandemic mentality.
①Though people get used to having meetings online, it is important for them to have in person interaction with each other. Outside church gatherings can be promoted.
②The worship schedule and trajectory need to be precise and concise.
③For the Cantonese worship, the meditative verses of the previous week need not be repeated. After a brief explanation of the week’s verses, worshippers can be given a minute to reflect in silence. There is no need for a long elaboration on the verses.
④The taping of the music for the Doxology at the end of the service can be refined.
⑤Certain parishioners, as well as newcomers, might miss the service because of the change of time for joint worship.
⑥The church can consider a renovation that is both appropriate and modern.
⑦Research into what attracts people back to large public events suggests that vibrancy and a sense of anticipation are key.
⑧We need to create localized plans, carefully constructed strategies, or just something innovative in order to attract people back to church events.
⑨“Gathering on Friday” has a group of over fifty non-Christians coming together(Praise dance: 40/45, Table tennis: 13/20) and this is a great opportunity to reach out to the community and share the Gospel.
⑩Resume the coffee time following worship, homemade soup to be given out, and more relevant seminars for the community.
- Pastor Don Dyck is to be invited to serve as the English adult ministry pastor, working no less than 10 hours per week.
- Affirmed the initial stage of decluttering the basement to be completed by March 31 and will examine the possibility of keeping only appropriate items in the church. Any unclaimed items by any fellowship or department will be discarded.
- The total number of deacons in 2024 will be eight.
- Taking into consideration the gradual relaxation of the public COVID restrictions, the deacon board determined to transition from strongly recommending that parishioners wear masks in the church to encourage them to do so. However, to maintain safety for everyone, it is important to take additional measures to protect seniors and those who are vulnerable to health complications.
- The 2022 financial statements of the church have been approved and will be displayed on the bulletin board. The church was able to pay off the remaining loan on the church building in January using last year’s surplus of funds. This allowed more money to be allocated to the ministry of the church.
- The House Affairs Department needs your help! A General Affairs Support Team is being formed to quickly respond to the Department’s demands, even unanticipated ones. You will not be required to attend regular meetings. All you have to do is to allow us to contact on you via WhatsApp and help if you are available. Let Alan Chan or Joseph Wong know if you could serve with us on this team.
- Don Dyck has accepted the invitation of the church and will be the English adult ministry pastor commencing April 15, working no less than 10 hours per week in average. It is a one-year contractual position.
- Staff news: Today Pastor David is preaching in the Lord’s Love Church. 3/22-4/24 Pastor Miller will take a no pay leave for his mission trip. Pastor Esmond will take his no pay leave in April.
- Joint Mission Prayer Meeting 7:30pm@ Zoom ID: 862 6579 1403 Passcode: 888026. Winnie Chow of Goodness fellowship will share the ministry of Ratanak International in Cambodia. All welcome.
- 4/7(Fri.11am) MBCCA Joint Good Friday Service in person @Fraserview MB Church. English speaker Pastor Sam Owusu. Cantonese, Youth, Children program available. Infant and Toddler drop-in room provided.
- 4/9(Sun. 10am) Joint Easter Sunday Service: E/Junior Service @Gym; Cantonese/Mandarin @Sanctuary. We have one membership transferral and one for Baptism. All Sunday School classes will be paused. After the service, welcome to stay and celebrate in the New Gym!
- 4/1(Sat. 4:45-6:15pm) Cantonese Outreach Seminar about depression. Jeanny Lam will share. You and your friends /family members are welcome
- 4/14(Fri. 8pm) Cantonese Music Gospel Night hosted by SOBEM & PG 「ReCONNECT」led by The Channels. Please pray for non-believing family members and friends and invite them to join.
- 3/22-4/20 “30 Day of Prayer For the Muslim World”:Free English digital Prayer Guide , Free Kids’ version is also available.
- Please pray for the sick and the families.