Sep 1, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Holy Communion Sunday Service. Please pick up your Communion elements at the front desk. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth: 10:00am @ Gym; JAM paused; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School: Paused
  2. 2025-2026 Deacon Election: Geraldine Lai, Denise Wong & Joseph Wong have been officially elected as they have received over 2/3 of the votes. 9/21(Sat) Old and New Deacon Board meeting. Thank you, Cindy Ho, Ida Lui, Yue Ming Tang and Dan Tieu for counting the ballots.
  3. The Deacon Board is going to approach the potential 2025-2026 Departmental Chairpersons. May our brothers and sisters answer the Lord’s call to lead as servants.
  4. For Planning & Budget 2025, all departments/committees leaders, please submit your expenses before Se 8. You could choose to use Digital Voucher or printed voucher for approval and submit with receipts to
  5. Non-marking sole shoes are highly recommended in Awana, sports and dance activities in the gym to avoid damage to the newly waxed floor. Thank you for your cooperation.
  6. Staff news: the office will be closed on Monday for Labour Day Holiday.


  1. We are happy to welcome those from JAM to our English Sunday Service starting on September 8. May God continue to lead them
  2. 10/13(Sun) Thanksgiving Baptismal & Membership Ceremony If you want to be baptized or apply for church membership, please contact Pastor Bill. Applicants need to take Baptismal/Membership Classes and have an interview with the Deacon Board on 9/22 (Sun).
  3. Keep our Mission ministries in your prayers. When contributing to our mission ministries, please remember to specify “Mission Fund”.
  4. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 9/12(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Esmond will lead Righteousness Fellowship and other members to serve.
  5. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  6. 10/18-20 「the 39th Mission Conference」, speaker Rev. Isaac Quan from CIM Canada. Please mark your calendar
  7. The deacon board has decided an extra budget of 2000 dollars will be set aside under the jurisdiction of the administrative department to subsidize those who apply to go to the upcoming Winter Conference. A maximum flat amount of around 50 dollars or half of the cost of a day pass will be given to those who are staying in the hotel or purchasing a day pass. A maximum of forty applications would be granted on a first come, first serve basis with other stipulations to be announced later. Please take advantage of the early bird and group rate before 8/31. Details of the application will be given as time progresses.
  8. 9/8(Next Sun) Earthquake and Fire Drill after worship and Sunday School. Practicing “DROP, COVER, HOLD”. The North parking lot (at the back) will be reserved for evacuation
  9. 9/14(Sat. 10a-4p, in the gym) MBCCA Leadership Training」all deacons, pastors, lay leaders, worship leaders and small group leaders are highly recommended to join. Click here for more details and register online
  10. 9/29(Sat. 3-5:30pm) English Plan to Protect Training – Orientation. It is MANDATORY for all senior, children and youth workers to attend once a year. New volunteers are requested to join an orientation training. Register with Miranda Fong :
  11. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  12. Back to School BBQ: We will have our Back-to-School BBQ on September 22 after the service. A great way to kick off the new school year
  13. Please pray for the sick and their families.

Aug 25, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:00am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School paused
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. 2025-26 the Deacons Election ballots will be counted TODAY at 1pm at A9. Results will be announced on September 1.
  3. Excerpts from DB Meeting on August 10, 2023
    • The contract for Pastor David from September to December, 2024 to continue as the lead pastor has been signed. Another contract for him to act as an intentional interim pastor from January to December 2025 in the absence of a new senior pastor is in progress and will be offered to him for consideration.
    • A new contract for Pastor Audrey from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025 is in formulation and will be offered to her for consideration.
    • Pastor David, Pastor Jason, and Pastor Victor will go through their SRG before the end of the year with profile to be developed by the deacons.
    • Whether the caring ministry of the Cantonese and Mandarin congregation should be enhanced by hiring another part-time staff was tabled for further discussion.
    • Professional services have rendered to give opinions on different options regarding renovations. Results will be reported as time progresses.
    • A new 2025 operational organizational structure of the church in the absence of a senior pastor was discussed with a ministry leading team to help the chairperson coordinate the ministries of all four congregations (Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Children /Teens). The vice chairperson as the default chairperson in the absence of a senior pastor might need to be added to the bylaws.
    • The results of the church survey would be disclosed to the congregants who are accessible to the church website and posted on the bulletin board.
    • A joint baptismal and membership transferral service will be held in the afternoon of October 13 at church.
    • The ballot counters for the election of the 2025/2026 deacon board were appointed. They are Cindy Ho, Ida Lui, Yue Ming Tang and Dan Tieu
    • A preliminary guideline for non Christians serving the church voluntarily was drafted for further discussion.
    • Pastor Don was encouraged to continue his dialogue with Frog Hollow Community Center in the neighbourhood regarding what the church might collaborate with the centre to serve the community.
  4. Thanks for filling out the the church survey.
  1. The Deacon Board is going to approach the potential 2025-2026 Departmental Chairpersons. May our brothers and sisters answer the Lord’s call to lead as servants.
  2. For Planning & Budget 2025, all departments/committees leaders, please submit your expenses before Se 8. You could choose to use Digital Voucher or printed voucher for approval and submit with receipts to
  3. Staff news: N/A


  1. The Soccer Camp Planning Committee wants to extend our deepest gratitude to the amazing team of over 30 volunteers who dedicated their time, energy, and love to making this week’s soccer camp a tremendous success! Your selfless service, joyful spirits, and commitment to our campers have truly made a lasting impact. Thank you for being the salt and light in our community. We look forward to you serving again in 2025
  2. 10/13(Sun) Thanksgiving Baptismal & Membership Ceremony If you want to be baptized or apply for church membership, please contact Pastor Bill. Applicants need to take Baptismal/Membership Classes and have an interview with the Deacon Board on 9/22 (Sun).
  3. Keep our Mission ministries in your prayers. When contributing to our mission ministries, please remember to specify “Mission Fund“.
  4. Tue 7:30pm Joint Mission Prayer Meeting Zoom ID: 862 6579 1403 Passcode: 888026. Dr. Titus Yu, Chairperson of International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions, will share the Hong Kong diaspora in England. All are welcome.
  5. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 9/12(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Esmond will lead Righteousness Fellowship and other members to serve.
  6. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  7. 10/18-20 「the 39th Mission Conference」, speaker Rev. Isaac Quan from CIM Canada. Please mark your calendar
  8. The deacon board has decided an extra budget of 2000 dollars will be set aside under the jurisdiction of the administrative department to subsidize those who apply to go to the upcoming Winter Conference. A maximum flat amount of around 50 dollars or half of the cost of a day pass will be given to those who are staying in the hotel or purchasing a day pass. A maximum of forty applications would be granted on a first come, first serve basis with other stipulations to be announced later. Please take advantage of the early bird and group rate before 8/31. Details of the application will be given as time progresses.
  9. Abuse Prevention and Safety Committee (APS) News:
  1. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  2. Please pray for the sick and their families.

Aug 18, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:00am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School paused
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. 2025-26 the Deacons Nomination Committee announces there are three nominees. Profiles are on the bulletin board.
  1. Excerpts from DB Meeting on August 10, 2023
    • The contract for Pastor David from September to December, 2024 to continue as the lead pastor has been signed. Another contract for him to act as an intentional interim pastor from January to December 2025 in the absence of a new senior pastor is in progress and will be offered to him for consideration.
    • A new contract for Pastor Audrey from October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025 is in formulation and will be offered to her for consideration.
    • Pastor David, Pastor Jason, and Pastor Victor will go through their SRG before the end of the year with profile to be developed by the deacons.
    • Whether the caring ministry of the Cantonese and Mandarin congregation should be enhanced by hiring another part-time staff was tabled for further discussion.
    • Professional services have rendered to give opinions on different options regarding renovations. Results will be reported as time progresses.
    • A new 2025 operational organizational structure of the church in the absence of a senior pastor was discussed with a ministry leading team to help the chairperson coordinate the ministries of all four congregations (Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Children /Teens). The vice chairperson as the default chairperson in the absence of a senior pastor might need to be added to the bylaws.
    • The results of the church survey would be disclosed to the congregants who are accessible to the church website and posted on the bulletin board.
    • A joint baptismal and membership transferral service will be held in the afternoon of October 13 at church.
    • The ballot counters for the election of the 2025/2026 deacon board were appointed. They are Cindy Ho, Ida Lui, Yue Ming Tang and Dan Tieu
    • A preliminary guideline for non Christians serving the church voluntarily was drafted for further discussion.
    • Pastor Don was encouraged to continue his dialogue with Frog Hollow Community Center in the neighbourhood regarding what the church might collaborate with the centre to serve the community.
  1. Thank you for filling out the church survey.
  2. The Deacon Board is going to approach the potential 2025-2026 Departmental Chairpersons. May our brothers and sisters respond to the call of our Lord to be a servanthood leader.
  3. For Planning & Budget 2025, all departments/committees leaders, please submit your expenses before Se 8. You could choose to use Digital Voucher or printed voucher for approval and submit with receipts to
  4. The fridge wasn’t working over the weekend, so all the food had to be thrown away.
  5. Staff news: N/A


  1. The Soccer Camp Planning Committee wants to extend our deepest gratitude to the amazing team of over 30 volunteers who dedicated their time, energy, and love to making this week’s soccer camp a tremendous success! Your selfless service, joyful spirits, and commitment to our campers have truly made a lasting impact. Thank you for being the salt and light in our community. We look forward to you serving again in 2025
  2. 10/13(Sun) Thanksgiving Baptismal & Membership Ceremony If you want to be baptized or apply for church membership, please contact Pastor Bill. Applicants need to take Baptismal/Membership Classes and have an interview with the Deacon Board on 9/22 (Sun).
  3. Keep our Mission ministries in your prayers. When contributing to our mission ministries, please remember to specify “Mission Fund“.
  4. 8/27 7:30pm Joint Mission Prayer Meeting Zoom ID: 862 6579 1403 Passcode: 888026. Dr. Titus Yu, Chairperson of International Fellowship of Christian Short Term Missions, will share the Hong Kong diaspora in England. All are welcome.
  5. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 9/12(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Esmond will lead Righteousness Fellowship and other members to serve.
  6. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  7. 8/22(Thu.10a-2p) Harvest Festival hosted by Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House will be in Clinton Park. Join us in our mission to serve the community! Please consult the poster for further details.
  8. 10/18-20 「the 39th Mission Conference」, speaker Rev. Isaac Quan from CIM Canada. Please mark your calendar
  9. Abuse Prevention and Safety Committee (APS) News:
  1. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  2. Please pray for the sick and their families.

Aug 11, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:00am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School paused
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. 2024-25 the Deacons Nomination Committee announces there are three nominees. Profiles are on the bulletin board.
  • The Ballots will be distributed by a deacon today. Some were sent to church members by mail, each with a return envelope. If you haven’t received it by 8/15, please contact or call 604-416-3257
  • Consider prayerfully and choose up to 3 from the nominees. For a ballot to be valid, it must be signed and placed into the offering box. If you are mailing your ballot, please use the provided return envelope. Affix a stamp, seal and mail it to the church. It’s possible to put the ballot in the church mailbox as well.
  • Ballots without signature or sent electronically through fax, email, WhatsApp or any other means will not be accepted and will be considered invalid.
  • To be officially elected as a Deacon, each nominee must receive at least two-thirds of the votes.
  • The deadline for all ballots to be received and considered valid is Sunday, August 25, at 1:00 pm. To ensure your vote arrives on time, mail your ballot as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced on September 1.
  1. Staff news: N/A.


  1. 10/13(Sun) Thanksgiving Baptismal & Membership Ceremony If you want to be baptized or apply for church membership, please contact Pastor Bill. Applicants need to take Baptismal/Membership Classes and have an interview with the Deacon Board on 9/22 (Sun).
  2. Keep our Mission ministries in your prayers. When contributing to our mission ministries, please remember to specify “Mission Fund“.
  3. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 9/12(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Esmond will lead Righteousness Fellowship and other members to serve.
  4. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  5. Our Soccer Camp starts TOMORROW. Keep our campers, coaches, and volunteers in your prayers as we serve our community this week.
  6. 8/22(Thu.10a-2p) Harvest Festival hosted by Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House will be in Clinton Park. Join us in our mission to serve the community! Please consult the poster for further details.
  7. 10/18-20 「the 39th Mission Conference」, speaker Rev. Isaac Quan from CIM Canada. Please mark your calendar
  8. Abuse Prevention and Safety Committee (APS) News:
  1. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  2. Please pray for the sick and their families.

Aug 4, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Holy Communion Sunday Service. Please pick up your Communion elements at the front desk. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:00am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School paused
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. 2024-25 the Deacons Nomination Committee announces there are three nominees. Profiles are on the bulletin board.
  • The Ballots will be distributed by a deacon today and 8/11. Some were sent to church members by mail, each with a return envelope. If you haven’t received it by 8/15, please contact or call 604-416-3257
  • Consider prayerfully and choose up to 3 from the nominees. For a ballot to be valid, it must be signed and placed into the offering box. If you are mailing your ballot, please use the provided return envelope. Affix a stamp, seal and mail it to the church. It’s possible to put the ballot in the church mailbox as well.
  • Ballots without signature or sent electronically through fax, email, WhatsApp or any other means will not be accepted and will be considered invalid.
  • To be officially elected as a Deacon, each nominee must receive at least two-thirds of the votes.
  • The deadline for all ballots to be received and considered valid is Sunday, August 25, at 1:00 pm. To ensure your vote arrives on time, mail your ballot as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced on September 1.
  1. Thanks for filling out the church survey. The analysis of results is in progress and a brief report will be ready in August.
  2. Motion sensor light switches have been installed in the upstairs washrooms.
  3. Staff news: the office will be closed on Monday for BC Day.


  1. 10/13(Sun) Thanksgiving Baptismal & Membership Ceremony If you want to be baptized or apply for church membership, please contact Pastor Bill. Applicants need to take Baptismal/Membership Classes and have an interview with the Deacon Board on 9/22 (Sun).
  2. Please remember our Mission Mission Budget 2024 please refer to the attachment. Please mark “Mission Fund” when you make an offering to support our mission ministries.
  3. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 9/12(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Esmond will lead Righteousness Fellowship and other members to serve.
  4. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  5. 8/12-16 (Mon-Fri. 9a-3p) Soccer Day Camp for ages 6-12. There are some spots left. For more details, check out the poster or register using this link. If you want to help out as a volunteer, please contact Pastor Bill. Enquiry or 604-416-3261.
  6. 8/8(Thu) 8:00-9:45pm. Job Search Part 1: Beni will discuss the best practices for resume writing and job searching, followed by a Q&A session. The meeting link will be sent out later.
  7. 8/11(Sun) 8:00-9:30pm. Job Search Part 2: Beni will provide resume examples and discuss the dos and don’ts, followed by a Q&A session.
  8. 10/18-20 「the 39th Mission Conference」, speaker Rev. Isaac Quan from CIM Canada. Please mark your calendar
  9. Abuse Prevention and Safety Committee (APS) News:
  1. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  2. Please pray for the sick and their families.

Jul 28, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Please pick up your Communion elements at the front desk. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel at 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:00am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School paused
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. 7.13 DB meeting excerpts:
    • Endorsed the overall preliminary plan for the renovation of another phrase which will be submitted to the different agencies for professional opinions and further actions like architectural drawings and steps to fulfill government regulations.
    • Different possible structural changes of the church in 2025 in view of the absence of a senior pastor were discussed and tabled for further consideration.
    • In response to the concerns of the deacons, different pastors have submitted proposals to enhance the caring ministry of the three congregations.
    • Offered a four-month extension to Pastor David Chan starting September 1 to December 31, 2024, upon the termination of his contract as lead pastor of the church on August 31. A new contract starting January 1, 2025, as an intentional interim pastor, is under discussion in view of the absence of a new senior pastor.
    • Pastor Jason Ng has successfully completed the evaluation after serving three months in the church.
    • Pastor Audrey’s contract is up for renewal on October 1, 2024. The deacons will discuss with her the new terms of her contract after her staff review group session at the end of July.
    • In view of the needs of the young adults (aged 18 to 28) in the English congregation, the seek of the English intern of children and teens should shift more towards one who can work with the young adults.
    • The lead pastor should take a more holistic approach to coordinate the different responsibilities of different pastors more strategically and collaboratively to minimize duplication of efforts and confusion of roles.
  3. 2025-26 Deacon Election The Deacons Nomination Committee announces there are three nominees. Profiles are on the bulletin board. 8/4 distribute ballots, 8/25 tally ballots, 9/1 announce results.
  4. Thanks for filling out the church survey. The analysis of results is in progress and a brief report will be ready in August.
  5. The light switch in the washrooms upstairs are update to sensor light switch.
  6. Staff news: N/A


  1. Please remember our Mission Please mark “Mission Fund” when you make an offering to support our mission ministries.
  2. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 8/1(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Audrey will lead Mandarin members and other members to serve.
  3. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  4. 8/12-16 (Mon-Fri. 9a-3p) Soccer Day Camp for ages 6-12. Please see the poster for details. Use the postcards to encourage children from non-believer families to join in. Online Registration has started.

We are recruiting coaches, first aiders, video and photographer, sign-in and welcome table, camp cook/snack team and miscellaneous helpers. To sign up as a volunteer, please contact Pastor Bill. Enquiry or 604-416-3261

  1. Abuse Prevention and Safety Committee (APS) News:
  1. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  2. Please pray for the sick and their families.

Jul 21, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Please pick up your Communion elements at the front desk. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel on 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:00am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School paused
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. 7.13 DB meeting excerpts:
    • Endorsed the overall preliminary plan for the renovation of another phase which will be submitted to the different agencies for professional opinions and further actions like architectural drawings and steps to fulfill government regulations.
    • Different possible structural changes of the church in 2025 in view of the absence of a senior pastor were discussed and tabled for further consideration.
    • In response to the concerns of the deacons, different pastors have submitted proposals to enhance the caring ministry of the three congregations.
    • Offered a four-month extension to Pastor David Chan starting September 1 to December 31, 2024, upon the termination of his contract as lead pastor of the church on August 31. A new contract starting January 1, 2025, as an intentional interim pastor, is under discussion in view of the absence of a new senior pastor.
    • Pastor Jason Ng has successfully completed the evaluation after serving three months in the church.
    • Pastor Audrey’s contract is up for renewal on October 1, 2024. The deacons will discuss with her the new terms of her contract after her staff review group session at the end of July.
    • In view of the needs of the young adults (aged 18 to 28) in the English congregation, the seek of the English intern of children and teens should shift more towards one who can work with the young adults.
    • The lead pastor should take a more holistic approach to coordinate the different responsibilities of different pastors more strategically and collaboratively to minimize duplication of efforts and confusion of roles.
  3. The Donors Offering Report 2024.1-6 is available online and announcement board. For enquires, please contact
  4. 2025-26 Deacon Election The Deacons Nomination Committee (Members: Rev. David, Grace Li, Rachel Vong, Cecilia Li and Alex Yan) announces:
Guidelines for Nomination of Deacons

The nominee should be:

1)     PGMBC church members 21 years of age or above may be nominated for election as deacons;

2)     born again, baptized Christian for at least 2 years (I Tim. 3:6) and is a member of our church (Acts 4:23) and familiar with the church;

3)     monogamous, irreproachable in marital relationship and relationships with the opposite sex (I Tim. 3:2);

4)     of good reputation (I Tim. 3:7/Acts 6:3)

a)        Not indulgent in bad habits or committing immoral or illegal acts;

b)        a testimony in his own personal life and family life (I Tim. 3:4);

5)     exercising full responsibility in matters of offering, being an example unto others (Matt. 6:21, I Cor. 16:2);

6)     of high spiritual caliber (Acts 6:3) and understand the doctrinal truth of the Gospel (I Tim. 3:9); attending the major church meetings regularly (Heb. 10:25) and is concerned with the church’s work; willingly co-operating with others in serving the Lord (I Cor. 12:24);

7)     has presided in other duties eg. Committee chairmanship, Sunday School teachers or others evangelistic works of the Gospel and is recognized as a faithful and responsible worker (I Cor. 4:2, I Tim. 3:10).

  1. Staff news: N/A


  1. Please remember our Mission Please mark “Mission Fund” when you make an offering to support our mission ministries.
  2. 7:30pm Joint Mission Prayer Meeting Zoom ID: 862 6579 1403 Passcode: 888026. Rev. Francis Tam of CCCOWE will share the Roma Ministry in the East Europe and short-term mission to Cuba. All are welcome.
  3. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 8/1(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Audrey will lead Mandarin members and other members to serve.
  4. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  5. 8/12-16 (Mon-Fri. 9a-3p) Soccer Day Camp for ages 6-12. Please see the poster for details. Use the postcards to encourage children from non-believer families to join in. Online Registration has started.

We are recruiting coaches, first aiders, video and photographer, sign-in and welcome table, camp cook/snack team and miscellaneous helpers. To sign up as a volunteer, please contact Pastor Bill. Enquiry or 604-416-3261

  1. Abuse Prevention and Safety Committee (APS) News:
  1. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join.
  2. Please pray for the sick and their families.

Jul 14, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Please pick up your Communion elements at the front desk. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel on 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:00am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School paused
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. The Donors Offering Report 2024.1-6 is available online and announcement board. For enquires, please contact
  3. 2025-26 Deacon Election The Deacons Nomination Committee (Members: Rev. David, Grace Li, Rachel Vong, Cecilia Li and Alex Yan) announces:
Guidelines for Nomination of Deacons

The nominee should be:

1)     PGMBC church members 21 years of age or above may be nominated for election as deacons;

2)     born again, baptized Christian for at least 2 years (I Tim. 3:6) and is a member of our church (Acts 4:23) and familiar with the church;

3)     monogamous, irreproachable in marital relationship and relationships with the opposite sex (I Tim. 3:2);

4)     of good reputation (I Tim. 3:7/Acts 6:3)

a)        Not indulgent in bad habits or committing immoral or illegal acts;

b)        a testimony in his own personal life and family life (I Tim. 3:4);

5)     exercising full responsibility in matters of offering, being an example unto others (Matt. 6:21, I Cor. 16:2);

6)     of high spiritual caliber (Acts 6:3) and understand the doctrinal truth of the Gospel (I Tim. 3:9); attending the major church meetings regularly (Heb. 10:25) and is concerned with the church’s work; willingly co-operating with others in serving the Lord (I Cor. 12:24);

7)     has presided in other duties eg. Committee chairmanship, Sunday School teachers or others evangelistic works of the Gospel and is recognized as a faithful and responsible worker (I Cor. 4:2, I Tim. 3:10).

  1. Staff news: N/A


  1. Please remember our Mission Please mark “Mission Fund” when you make an offering to support our mission ministries.
  2. 7/16-18(Tue-Thu) Short Term Mission Trip to Vancouver Island organized by CCM Small Town Mission. Pastor David,Pastor Audrey, Deacon Rennie, Rebecca and Ira will serve with Otto from CCM. The Commissioning Prayer will be in Cantonese Noon Service and Mandarin service today.
  3. 7/23(Tue. 7:30pm) Joint Mission Prayer Meeting Zoom ID: 862 6579 1403 Passcode: 888026. Francis Tam of CCCOWE will share the Roma Ministry in the East Europe and short-term mission to Cuba. All are welcome.
  4. 2024 LightHouse Harbour Ministries: Next visit date is 8/1(Thu) 7-9:30pm. Pastor Audrey will lead Mandarin members and other members to serve.
  5. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  6. 8/12-16 (Mon-Fri. 9a-3p) Soccer Day Camp for ages 6-12. Please see the poster for details. Use the postcards to encourage children from non-believer families to join in. Online Registration has started.

We are recruiting coaches, first aiders, video and photographer, sign-in and welcome table, camp cook/snack team and miscellaneous helpers. To sign up as a volunteer, please contact Pastor Bill. Enquiry or 604-416-3261

  1. Abuse Prevention and Safety Committee (APS) News:
  1. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for outreach programs to invite your Cantonese speaking family members and friends to join:
  • 7/28 Cantonese Gospel Sunday Service and Caring Seminar in the afternoon
  • 8/24(Sat. 2:30-4:30pm) Talk Show and Music Gathering
  1. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family of Hermanis Yiu of Goodness fellowship on the passing of her mother, Ms. Choi S N Yiu and the family of Ms. Kam Seung Ma, who passed away. Please refer to the Cantonese Bulletin for the funeral service arrangement. May the family find comfort in God’s embrace.
  2. Please pray for the sick and their families.

Jul 7, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Holy Communion Sunday Service. Please pick up your Communion elements at the front desk. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel on 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:00am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School in Gym
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. The Donors Offering Report 2024.1-6 is available online and announcement board. For enquires, please contact
  3. 2025-26 Deacon Election The Deacons Nomination Committee (Members: Rev. David, Grace Li, Rachel Vong, Cecilia Li and Alex Yan) announces:
Guidelines for Nomination of Deacons

The nominee should be:

1)     PGMBC church members 21 years of age or above may be nominated for election as deacons;

2)     born again, baptized Christian for at least 2 years (I Tim. 3:6) and is a member of our church (Acts 4:23) and familiar with the church;

3)     monogamous, irreproachable in marital relationship and relationships with the opposite sex (I Tim. 3:2);

4)     of good reputation (I Tim. 3:7/Acts 6:3)

a)        Not indulgent in bad habits or committing immoral or illegal acts;

b)        a testimony in his own personal life and family life (I Tim. 3:4);

5)     exercising full responsibility in matters of offering, being an example unto others (Matt. 6:21, I Cor. 16:2);

6)     of high spiritual caliber (Acts 6:3) and understand the doctrinal truth of the Gospel (I Tim. 3:9); attending the major church meetings regularly (Heb. 10:25) and is concerned with the church’s work; willingly co-operating with others in serving the Lord (I Cor. 12:24);

7)     has presided in other duties eg. Committee chairmanship, Sunday School teachers or others evangelistic works of the Gospel and is recognized as a faithful and responsible worker (I Cor. 4:2, I Tim. 3:10).

  1. Staff news: Pastor Victor Lee preaches in Richmond Chinese United Church today.


  1. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  2. 8/12-16 (Mon-Fri. 9a-3p) Soccer Day Camp for ages 6-12. Please see the poster for details. Use the postcards to encourage children from non-believer families to join in. Online Registration has started. We are recruiting coaches, first aiders, video and photographer, sign-in and welcome table, camp cook/snack team and miscellaneous helpers. To sign up as a volunteer, please contact Pastor Bill. Enquiry or 604-416-3261
  3. Please pray for the sick and their families.



Jun 30, 2024 Church News

  1. Welcome to our Sunday Service. Wearing a mask inside the church is highly recommended. If you have any symptoms, please rest at home. The sermons will be uploaded to our YouTube channel on 2:30pm.
  • English & Youth & JAM: 10:15 am @ Gym; Junior JAM 10:15 am @A9
  • Cantonese: 8:30 & 11:30am @Sanctuary; Mandarin: 10:00 am @A8
  1. In-Person English Sunday School 11:30am – 12:30pm
    • Children’s Sunday School in B4-B7; Adult Sunday School in Gym
    • Junior High Sunday School in B11; Senior High School in A10
  2. PGMBC breakfast returns today from 9:30 – 10 am in the gym. A special thanks goes out to the Mandarin congregation for preparing. English worship will start at 10:15 am.
  3. Over 120 members attended the past Family Chat. The Deacon Board will follow up the suggestions and opinions. Contact the Deacon Board if you have something you’d like to share.
  4. Please set aside 5-10 minutes after worship TODAY to complete a church survey with the QR code or hard copies.
  5. Staff news: David preaches in Lord’s Love Church today; The office will be closed for Canada Day Holiday on Monday


  1. Online Registration for next AWANA year has started. NEW registration, please contact . Return clubbers please use this QR code.
  2. 8/12-16 (Mon-Fri. 9a-3p) Soccer Day Camp for ages 6-12. Please see the poster for details. Use the postcards to encourage children from non-believer families to join in. Online Registration has started. First come, first serve.

We are recruiting coaches, first aiders, video and photographer, sign-in and welcome table, camp cook/snack team and miscellaneous helpers. To sign up as a volunteer, please contact Pastor Bill. Enquiry or 604-416-3261

  1. 9/29(Sat. 1-3:30pm) English Plan to Protect Training – Orientation. It is MANDATORY for all senior, children and youth workers to attend once a year. New volunteers are requested to join an orientation training. Register with Miranda Fong :
  2. Please pray for the sick and their families.